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Happy New Year!

Writer's picture: Alma Community CareAlma Community Care


Alma started 2020 with a full calendar of parenting seminars. In February, we offered three parenting seminars (one at each of the three school we work with) covering the following topics:

· Puberty – Talking with your child about changing bodies and self-esteem

· Childhood Depression – Understanding the signs, symptoms, and strategies to help your child

· Self-Harm & Suicide – Recognizing the signs and how to seek help

At these seminars, we had the joy of serving almost 50 parents with 40% of them attending for the first time.

I’m also excited to announce that Alma Community Care now has a website! Read more about who we are and what we are doing at Also, make sure to follow us on Instagram (@almacommunitycare) for weekly updates and announcements!


February’s seminar on childhood depression was especially helpful for many of our parents. Here are some of the practical things they learned and hope to implement at home:

· “I have to observe my children more, especially their communication.”

· “Listen to my son and give him the confidence to open up.”

· “Ask my son how he is feeling. Tell him I want to hear from you.”

And although the discussion was focused on children, one of our parents personally connected with the symptoms of depression herself. She had recently lost her job and was struggling to provide for her family, but at the seminar she learned that “I need to get out of my own head and get out and be active when I feel anxious or depressed.” I’m so thankful Alma had the opportunity to bring healing, help, and hope to her that morning!


Please pray for and invite others to join us for our Parenting Seminars in March:

· How to Implement Daily Routines (March 11)

· Addiction and Mental Illness (March 17)

· Childhood Bullying (March 24)

Thank you for supporting Alma Community Care and for serving our community’s families with us!


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Alma Community Care is exempt from U.S. Federal Income Taxes under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, and our tax identification number is 81-4296647.  All donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by the law.


 PO Box 13602 San Diego CA  92170-3602  |   619-738-1972   |

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