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Impact: Accomplishing our Mission

Parenting Seminars

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What parents and therapists are saying


"I have to talk about how I feel, so that my kids talk more freely about their feelings"


"My family is the most important thing and I have to put them first. I have to love my children as they are"


"I learned so much this morning's group exercises. It was really helpful to process what kind of parenting style I have with other parents while learning from them as well."



"As a therapist, I’m so grateful for the space that has been created for parents. I love the questions that they are coming to the seminar with, that’s where the true magic happens. The idea to have more engaging activities and moments for reflection for parents has seemed very beneficial for parents. I can see a sense of community that is created when one parent feels comfortable sharing with another, or when someone shares their real life experience to others."​


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Since 2020, our program has been a tremendous blessing to the participating mothers and their families. One of recent therapy recipients said:

Mother's Morning


With the help of Hope for San Diego's "Day of Service" and over 20 volunteers, we blessed our community moms with delicious food and wellness activities.


​Learn More

“I want to thank you and the people that help you make these programs possible.  The parenting seminars, therapy sessions, and especially prayers keep people like me grateful and thankful.  Thank you for helping families like mine!

Help us bring healing, help and hope to our families in Greater Logan Heights

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Alma Community Care is exempt from U.S. Federal Income Taxes under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, and our tax identification number is 81-4296647.  All donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by the law.


 PO Box 13602 San Diego CA  92170-3602  |   619-738-1972   |

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