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Give the families of our community the gift of HOPE to be stronger, healthier, and wiser caregivers to their children!
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Our goal - 200 Books

Provide every parent who attends a spring parenting seminar a children's book focused on mental health education in English or Spanish.
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1 in 6 children suffer from a mental health condition. Instead of a small number of raffle winners choosing a book at our 12 parenting seminars this spring, we want every family to go home with an educational book that brings healing, help, and hope to their family.  Here is what one mother had to say about a book she received this year:​

"The book I received on screen time has completely changed the behavior of my 3 oldest children. They loved reading the book over and over again and began to disconnect from screens and play more independently. I would love to have access to more books like these because of how deeply this book changed my family.​


Check out the full list of books our therapists have recommended for our families on our Amazon wishlist and give the gift of hope for a stronger family this year.
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Alma Community Care is exempt from U.S. Federal Income Taxes under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, and our tax identification number is 81-4296647.  All donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by the law.


 PO Box 13602 San Diego CA  92170-3602  |   619-738-1972   |

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