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ALMA Community Care

Healing, help, and hope for San Diego's inner city through mental health awareness, education, and resources

Our Spring Parenting Seminars Are Here
KCA Feb 11 - Building Your Child's Self-Esteem.png
Burbank Feb 13 - Positive Parenting Tactics.png
LMEC Feb 19 - Positive Discipline Tactics (English).png

Click here to learn more about each seminar

Click here for a full list of our Spring 2025 seminars

Thank You!
Uniting Families and Healing Generational Trauma
We GREW from two to three school sites this year allowing us to serve over 160 unique families. That's 60 more families than last year who found hope through therapy and education, and heard the healing power of the gospel.
"Alma Community Care's Parenting Seminars have given me tools for a better and healthier childhood for my kids"
~ Parenting Seminar Mother ~
We have families who have been attending our parenting seminars for six years now! Their repeat attendance reflects their desire to grow as parents and STRENGTHEN their relationships with their children.
"The Parenting Seminars make us better parents. They give us better techniques and strategies to understand our issues. They also let me know that my family isn’t the only one going through the everyday life issues."
~ Parenting Seminar Mother ~
Esperanza, our therapy program, provided over 60 therapy sessions to mothers in our community at no cost to them. The trauma passed down from one generation to another is beginning to HEAL, and our families are finding hope for a stronger future.
"The therapy sessions have changed my life. I have learned how to love and take care of myself, so I can love and care for my children."
~ Esperanza Therapy Mom ~
Your generosity provided 63 books to children of families that attend our Spring Parenting Seminars, which is twice as many families as we'd usually send home with books.  THANK YOU!
~ Carrie Anne Sandoval, Executive Director ~
For those of you who contributed to our end-of-year goal of $10,000 we are glad to say that your donations help us focus on parenting seminar and bringing in high quality therapists from across our city including our local children's hospital to teach our families new skills to love and care for their children. Our parenting seminars don't just educate our parents, but also create a safe environment for them to ask tough questions and build relationships with other moms who are struggling with similar situations. We are changing current and future generations of children, parents, and grandparents by addressing our community's mental health needs and equipping them with ways to heal. 

It's not too late to help us change the course of future generations of our families through a donation, just click the GIVE button below
Meet Our New Board Member, Todd Lesher
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Please join us in welcoming Todd to the Alma Community Board.  Click here to learn about his career and why he wanted to serve our ministry.

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Alma Community Care is exempt from U.S. Federal Income Taxes under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, and our tax identification number is 81-4296647.  All donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by the law.


 PO Box 13602 San Diego CA  92170-3602  |   619-738-1972   |

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